

大学入試ジャーナル. 34: 218-222, 2024..

・What Implications can be Drawn from Physicians' Experienes During the COVID-19 Pandemic for Continuing Education.
医学教育. 54(6):543-548, 2023..

・Expanding social contribution of medical schools: One perspective from a regional medical university in Japan.
Asia Pacific Scholar. 8(3):62-64, 2023.

・Does regional quota status affect the performance of undergraduate medical students in Japan? A 10-year analysis.
International Journal of Medical Education, 13:307-314, 2022.

・Essential Milestones in Japanese Medical Education and Data Utilization with Practical Cases from a Regional Medical University. International Journal of Institutional Research and Management. 6(1):1-14, 2022.

・Advancing Outcome-Based Education in Japanese Medical Schools: Overview of Milestones and Educational Data.
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Data Science and Institutional Research, 283-286, 2021.